This video starts with an October 2020 image and goes through the IT set-up process after imaging.
Imaging Computers at CF's and Institutions with OCT20:
You will need a docking station with USB ports and a purple reset USB. The most up to date reset USBs are labeled Oct20
If necessary, image a device:
If necessary, backup student home folder to a USB drive before imaging computers
Dock the laptop (powered off) with a reset USB plugged into the docking station
Boot the computer, at the American Megatrends BIOS screen press Fn + F12 key repeatedly. You should be asked to enter a password. Enter the BIOS password.
Boot to the UEFI USB Drive. Press enter on the first Clonezilla screen and yes up to 3x to confirm the imaging process. The process should run at 2GB/min and take an hour or two.
Prepare Setup USB for devices already imaged OCT20:
This process was last updated on 03/23/2021, the files were last updated 03/23/2021:
Prepare a setup USB containing the following files. You can create this setup USB from your internet-connected Windows computer. This zip file below should be downloaded into the "root" or top-most directory of the USB and extracted. You CAN use the SAME reset USB used for imaging devices. If you use a different USB, it must be formatted exFAT or FAT32. One USB can be used many times over. USB preparation is only done once.
Zip Package: (download) -- right-click on the link on the following pages if the Zip package doesn't auto-download
Extract zip package to root directory of the USB, not a new folder:
Setup Devices with Setup USB after OCT20 Image:
Plug the setup USB into a black docking station.
Boot your Endless Securebook while the Securebook is on the docking station
Login to the jadmin account
Open the "terminal" app by typing "terminal" into the search bar and pressing enter
In the terminal, type:
bash /media/jadmin/USB_NAME/first-setup.sh
hint: using the "tab" key will autocomplete words in the line above, this prevents you from having to type lots of characters or find the USB_NAME
follow the on-screen prompts
hint: every clear Securebook (unless explicitly told otherwise) should be configured to DCYF_Education WiFi signal. Every HP ProBook at the CF's should be configured to DCYF_CF WiFi signal.
You do NOT need to be within the WiFi signal range nor do you need to be on a WiFi-enabled docking station for this to work.
In rare cases, some college students at Echo Glen may be granted access to DCYF_CF WiFi, which has a less restrictive white list.
Update Devices to Apply Patches as Needed:
Plug the setup USB into a black docking station.
Boot your Endless Securebook while the Securebook is on the docking station
Login to the jadmin account
Open the "terminal" app by typing "terminal" into the search bar and pressing enter
In the terminal, type:
bash /media/jadmin/USB_NAME/run-update.sh
hint: using the "tab" key will autocomplete words in the line above, this prevents you from having to type lots of characters or find the USB_NAME
follow along with the on-screen prompts
This should be the extent of IT involvement, except to troubleshoot otherwise failing machines. Re-image, provision, deploy, repeat.
Video of restoring student's documents and folders after imaging Endless Justice Securebook
Backup / Restore Student Docs After Imaging from Jadmin
If the IT admin is going to backup and restore student documents
There have been some reported issues when putting saved student files back onto a freshly imaged Endless Justice machine. Following this process precisely should eliminate those issues.
From the jadmin account or the student account you can save off student documents to a USB drive. We assume this part does not require additional detail.
On a freshly imaged machine, first, create the student account you want
While still logged in as jadmin, you can copy the files from the USB. To copy multiple files or folders at one time, click the top most item and hold the shift key while clicking the bottom most icon.
Right click on the highlighted selection and click "copy" - do not select "Copy to" - we must first unlock the student's folder before attempting to paste in the new documents
Navigate to the student's folder using the navigation window by clicking "+ other locations" -> home -> studentsprofile - or - you can type cntrl + l key which will put you in the top most navigation bar. In the bar you can type: admin:///home/studentsprofile
Once you attempt to open the studentsprofile folder in the navigation window you will be promped to authenticate
After authentication, you can now right click and "paste"
You may then be questioned a number of times to "merge" folders, checking the box at the bottom for "do this for all items" will greatly speed up the process
If you have trouble with permissions during this process, you can always login as the student account directly and copy from the USB drive into the student's home folder.
It is reasonable to offload this task to local program staff, where you have a good local partner. An admin password is not explicitly necessary to save documents to USB, nor to open a student account and put those documents back into a student's folder.
Login as the student account while the machine is docked with the USB plugged in
Copy the folders and files from the USB to the student account home folder
WiFi Connection on Multiple Docks
To enable a machine to connect to multiple docks without an admin password please run the "run-update.sh" detailed above
Additional Information
Find additional helpful Tutorials and Guides about the World Possible Securebook and Endless OS at World Possible Justice Documentation.